The Spanish multinational Meltio -a disruptive wire-laser metal 3D printing technology manufacturer- together with Phillips Corporation – a global manufacturing solutions leader based in the US – have worked together to install for the first time on a US Navyship a metal 3D printing solution for the onboard manufacture of spareparts and repairs.
The Linares-based multinational reliesonits US distributor, Phillips Corporation, to close the first of many historic contracts that allows the Bataan ship and others in Navyto manufacture parts and repair tools
The Phillips Additive Hybrid powered by Haas tookthe laser metal deposition technology of Meltio and integratedit with the world-renowned Haas CNC vertical machining centers control millonboard USS Bataan ship.
This new project represents a further step towards demonstratingan industrially useful application in the marine sector thanks to the accessible wire-laser metal 3D printing technology developed by Meltio. Meltio collaborates with Haas onotherhybridsy stemprojects in other industries and in different countries. The Hybrid system provide ssubtractive and additive manufacturing. The US Navy is using a combination of these both in this particular projectfor USS Bataan ship.
The equipment, installed under a joint effort between the Commander, the Naval Surface Force Atlantic, and the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Technology Office, includesthe Phillips Additive Hybrid system, whichintegrates a Meltio wire-laser metal deposition head on a Haas TM-1 computernumerical control mill. TheHaas TM-1platform has been proven tooperate reliably in anafloat environment aboard several aircraft carriers. Integratingthe Meltio deposition head withthe Haas TM-1 provides both an additive and subtractive manufacturing capability with in the same system – increasing efficiency and reducing waste when compared with typical machining.

Ángel Llavero, CEO of Meltio, says: “Forus, thefactthatthe US Navy has incorporated Meltio’swire-laser metal 3D printing solution and Haas hybrid equipment thanks to Phillips Corporation on board the US Navyshipto manufacture spareparts and repair the mis the consequence of years of effort and a great vision that we had at Meltio. We would like to thank Phillips Corporation for the ir support in the development of the sehybrid systems under the Haas brand, which is the consequence of confirming a technology with enormous industrial applications in the naval and marine sector, in defense, and in allthose industrial sectors where it is necessary to be ableto manufacture the part when and where it is needed. We are sure that this is the first step in a long way that we will have in this industrial sector oft he navy with this and other applications”.
The US Navy advance defforts to improve self-sufficiency for deployedships and theircrews and reduce supply chain lead times by leveraging additive manufacturing (AM) by permanently installing the first metal 3D printer aboard a ship. Thanks to additive manufacturing –commonly known as 3D printing– the engineers will join different materials to make parts from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing and formative manufacturing methodologies.
Whether creating a quality-of-lifeitemor a sophisticated machine part, AM facilitates production at the point ofneed when time and operational availability matter.
“The introduction of additive manufacturing (AM) into naval operations supports readiness and self-sufficiency,”states Rear Adm. Brendan McLane, commander, Naval Surface Force Atlantic. “These printers have the ability to help the Navy overcome both obsolescence issues for ships and systems that have service lives me asured in decades and directly contribute to enhanced operational availability of our systems and ships,”says NAVSEA ChiefEngineerRearAdm. Jason Lloyd.
The Phillips Additive Hybrid system prints 316L stainlesssteel, a prevalent material in US Navy ship systems. While stainless steel additive manufacturing on board naval shipsis new, it also represents an advancement in providing sailors with industrial-level manufacturing capabilities to print individual parts for systems that previously have not been readily available without procuringthe entire system at a significantly greater cost.

The Meltio’s Engine 3D printing benefits are twofold – it maximizes operational availability and reduces the demand on traditional and Navy-specific supply chains. Additionally, NAVSEA engineers installed a second 3D printerto produce polymer (plastic) componentson board Bataan. This printer enables the ship’screw to printany of the NAVSEA-developed 300+ AM Technical Data Packagesthat define the required design configuration and proceduresto manufacture a part and ensureitperformsproperly.
“Phillips and Meltio are proudto be a partof Phillips Additive Hybrid installation aboard the USS Bataan. Thisisthefirst laser metal deposition (LMD) additive manufacturing technology installed aboard a naval ship,” said Brian Kristaponis, General Manager, Phillips Corporation, HybridDivision.
“This is an optimalfitfor the US Navy that is seeking to add exceptional new Additive capability tot heir Haas machining centers– all in one machine,” Kristaponisadded. “They are leve raging this exciting new technology to improve self-sufficiency for deployed ships and their crews.”
Amphibious assault ship
Bataan, a multi-purpose amphibious assault ship, carries more than 2,500 Sailors and Marines when fully embarked, and is the fifth shipofthe Navy’s Wasp-classships. She was commissioned on September 20, 1997, and is the second U.S. Navy warship to be arthe name. CVL-29 wasan Independence-class small aircraft carrier that was commissioned in November 1943. After serving in both World War II and the Korean conflict, CVL-29 was decommissioned in 1954.
NAVSEA is the largest of the Navy’s six system commands, responsible for the building, buying, and maintaining of ships, submarines, and systemsforthe U.S. Navy. NAVSEA’s Technology Office is leading multiple are as of research and development in thee valuation of AM equipment, using data not only from deployed assets but also shoresidelab activities, togain a critical understanding of how the equipment will perform under ship board conditions.
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