Supernova Industries Corp (“Supernova”), has been awarded a $2 million subcontract by the American Center for Manufacturing & Innovation (ACMI) to 3D Print military-grade energetic materials. The award is being distributed under ACMI’s Critical Chemicals Pilot Program through the Department of Defense Information Analysis Center’s (DOD IAC) multiple-award contract (MAC) vehicle to support the United States Department of Defense’s (DOD) Industrial Base Policy Manufacturing Capability Expansions and Investment Prioritization (MCEIP) Pathfinders portfolio.
“Supernova is proud to support the U.S. Department of Defense through this program,” said Roger Antunez, Founder and CEO of Supernova. “Our technology has the potential to overcome the design constraints of conventional manufacturing methods to produce the next generation of military-grade energetic material components, including solid rocket motors (SRMs), explosives, and pyrotechnics.”
Supernova’s proprietary technology, Viscous Lithography Manufacturing (VLM), is a lithography-based Additive Manufacturing (AM) process that uses a transparent film to transfer high viscosity materials onto a build platform, where they are cured by light to form printed parts. Unlike conventional processes which require low viscosity resins, VLM can handle materials of unlimited viscosity which enable new formulations such as the high solid-loading used in energetic materials. Supernova has previously been successful in printing simulant energetic materials, and they are currently developing printing of energetic formulas, which will represent a major breakthrough in the field of additive manufacturing.
“The technology that Supernova is developing will enable the production of critical components for weapon systems that are essential for national security,” said Victor Boelscher, Head of Federal Programs at ACMI Federal. “ACMI’s Critical Chemicals Pilot Program is designed to support Defense Industrial Base (DIB) resilience by taking commercial solutions and rapidly adapting them for DOD use. Supernova’s innovative technology fits this role, and we are excited to be partnering with them to meet a critical capability for the DOD”.
Military-grade energetic materials are capable of rapidly releasing significant amounts of energy through chemical and physical reactions, used in explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics. These materials are necessary for the proper functioning of defense systems. However, traditional processing techniques limit their potential. Supernova’s new VLM processing techniques will provide key innovations crucial to enhance safety, ensure material consistency, reduce waste stream and unlock new performance capabilities, particularly in applications such as solid rocket motors, bombs, countermeasure flares, or bullet grains.
About DOD IAC Program
The DOD IAC, sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center, provides technical data management and research support for DoD and federal governments users. Established in 1946, the IAC program serves the DoD science and technology (S&T) and acquisition communities to drive innovation and technological developments by enhancing collaboration through integrated scientific and technical information development and dissemination for the DoD and broader S&T community.
About Department of Defense, Office of Industrial Base Policy, Manufacturing Capability Expansions and Investment Prioritization (MCEIP)
The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Industrial Base Policy is the principal advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) for developing Department of Defense policies for the maintenance of the United States defense industrial base (DIB), executing small business programs and policy, and conducting geo-economic analysis and assessments. The office also provides the USD(A&S) with recommendations on budget matters related to the DIB, anticipates and closes gaps in manufacturing capabilities for defense systems, and assesses impacts related to mergers, acquisition, and divestitures. IBP monitors and assesses the impact of foreign investments in the United States and executes authorities under sections 2501 and 2505 U.S.C. Title 10.
About Supernova Industries Corp
Supernova Industries Corp is an innovative Additive Manufacturing (AM) company offering advanced polymer solutions to produce end-use-parts at scale and cost based on its proprietary Viscous
Lithography Manufacturing (VLM) technology. In 2024 Supernova launched Supernova Defense & Space in Austin, TX to focus on 3D printing military-grade energetic materials.
About the American Center for Manufacturing & Innovation (ACMI)
The American Center for Manufacturing & Innovation (ACMI) is committed to revitalizing the United States’ industrial base through strategic investments in emerging businesses in critical sectors. ACMI’s innovative and holistic approach, through its affiliates: ACMI Federal, ACMI Capital, and ACMI Properties, consolidates funding, resources, and expertise to close gaps in the American industrial base, enhance supply chain resiliency, and accelerate innovation. For more information about ACMI, visit
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