The coronavirus persists longest on hard surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic. A new study co-authored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the US found that, on such surfaces, “viable virus could be detected up to 72 hours post-application”. We are also warned that public surfaces such as elevator buttons and door handles – most often made from stainless steel or plastic – are breeding grounds for the virus.
Paddle-shaped extension
A Belgian 3D-printing company has come up with a solution for door handles. The design is online now and free to download.
“The idea for the 3D-printed door handle originated at an internal meeting to define measures to protect Materialise employees and visitors,” said the firm.
“It soon became clear that more people could benefit from this design and the company decided to make it available for free. Anyone with access to a 3D printer can download the design and 3D-print it locally in a matter of hours.”