Rotating Machinery Services (RMS) is a global provider of engineering, repair, and maintenance services for equipment integral to critical infrastructural support. As the company embarked on a transformative journey to innovate their production methods using metal additive manufacturing (AM), they sought the expertise of Velo3D. The collaboration set the stage for a remarkable feat in the additive manufacturing world: the development of a 483 mm Inconel® 718 shrouded impeller featuring a 2-degree shroud with minimal need for internal support structures, pushing the boundaries of conventional manufacturing processes and signifying a leap forward for industrial metal AM fabrication.

RMS initiated its exploration of metal AM (Additive Manufacturing) by partnering with Velo3D and contract manufacturer Duncan Machine Products (DMP) to explore the feasibility of fabricating a Ø 10.7” (272 mm) Inconel® 718 shrouded impeller using metal AM without the need for internal support structures. The impeller passed initial tests based on industry
standards and was eventually pushed further, tested up to 25,000 rpm, where it showcased remarkable resilience.
However, many of RMS’s projects involve larger impellers. Unfortunately, most conventional metal 3D printers cannot produce a part in the near 500 mm size range. This limitation combined with the lack of engineering experience with near 500 mm printing physics, means that very few printers and fewer companies in the world today would even attempt a part like this.

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