Rocio bags is using 3D Printing to create Bags which it will take to Paris Fashion Week, scheduled to begin on February 28, 2022.
The Rocio 3D printed Handbag is a result of a partnership between Scottish luxury eco-brand ROCIO and the NMIS and was created to explore sustainable manufacturing techniques. The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), operated by the University of Strathclyde is testing out a new 3D printing technique to manufacture sustainable leather handbags.
“A core aim of NMIS is to engage with and support SMEs to facilitate a positive impact on the local economy and the wider industry. We have a team dedicated to helping SMEs in their route to innovation and exploitation of new goods and services in response to industry needs – and this ROCIO project is a prime example.” says Andrew Brawley, NMIS Research & Design Engineer.
Rocio’s signature bags are usually made out of wood, placing them on the fine line between sculptural art and fashion. With the inner structure of the bag developed, it was then taken as a base for Atelier, a fashion business school in Spain, to create a fully structured leather handbag—a first for ROCIO.
This 3D printing method is allowing Rocio more room for customization and to mitigate environmental consequences in production. This makes for an easier way to customize and add detail to the design of the product, which stands true for the ROCIO handbag as well. Being able to design the product through 3D software not only reduces material waste during the initial developmental stages, it also reduces the time needed to reach the design and saves production costs.
“For us, exploring the use of a 3D printed prototype is more cost, time and material efficient in the long term. Through using this technology, we are one step closer to improving our endeavours to be even more sustainable, whilst unlocking and embracing the future capabilities of our industry” says Hamish Menzies, ROCIO Creative Director.
The structure created captured the same structured art form of ROCIO wooden bag sculptures, which enabled the brand to retain its signature characteristics in aesthetic and silhouette.